Thursday, July 16, 2015

AA4YO S01E02 - Menu

In this episode Lena answers a question from a listener, solving the issue of coming up with a dinner menu every night. Thank you, Tiffany Durr, for asking the question; I certainly hope that Lena's response helps with this frequent problem.
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  1. Lena,
    I'm a huge fan of the show. Last night I went to sleep and woke up and realized my favorite color is blue. Thanks for the advice.

    Why do you think we can only see elephants at zoos? Why do people not have them in their houses or back yards? Also, do baby elephants and grown up elephants make different sounds?


  2. Lena,

    Long time listener, first time writer. I always try my best at everything I do, but no matter how hard I try I always seem to make mistakes. I hope you can help me! What are your keys to success?

    Thanks - Adam

  3. Lena, love the show,

    Question,why did the Orange stop rolling?
